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Version: 5.x

Contribution Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Receipt Wrangler! We welcome contributions from the community to help make continuous improvements to make the app even better.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository locally.
  2. Set up the development environment following the instructions in respective section.

How to Contribute

Reporting Bugs

  • Use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs.
  • Before creating a new issue, please check if it has already been reported.
  • Provide a clear and detailed description of the bug, including:
    • Steps to reproduce
    • Expected behavior
    • Actual behavior

Suggesting Enhancements

  • Use the GitHub issue tracker to suggest enhancements or new features.
  • Clearly describe the feature and explain why it would be useful to Receipt Wrangler users.

Pull Requests

  1. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix using the following naming convention:

    • For features: feature/feature-name
    • For enhancements: enhancement/enhancement-name
    • For bugs: bug/bug-name
  2. Write clear, self-documenting code.

  3. Include unit tests for critical pieces of functionality.

  4. Ensure all tests pass before submitting your pull request.

  5. Submit a pull request with a clear description of the changes in the following format:

    # Changes
    * Change 1
    * Change 2
    * ... Change N

For example,

# Changes
* Add support for new feature X
* Fix bug Y

Coding Standards

  • Follow the existing code style in the project.
  • Use meaningful variable and function names.
  • Write self-documenting code.
  • Keep functions small and focused on a single task if possible.

Commit Messages

  • Use clear and meaningful commit messages.
  • Start the commit message with a short summary.
  • If necessary, provide more detailed explanations in subsequent lines.


  • If your changes require documentation updates, please create an issue in the docs repository to note the necessary changes.
  • The project maintainers will handle updating the documentation.

Community Guidelines

  • Be respectful and inclusive in all interactions.
  • Provide constructive feedback.
  • Help others in the community when you can.


If you have any questions about contributing, feel free to open an issue for discussion.

Thank you for contributing to Receipt Wrangler!