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Version: 6.x


Receipt Wrangler can be installed either via docker (recommended) or bare metal.



  • Docker

Receipt Wrangler API and Desktop development environment has been containerized for ease of development. Below we'll go through step by step to get it installed.

1. Clone the receipt-wrangler-monolith: This repository contains Dockerfiles for the prod monolithic image, as well as the development image.
2. In your command line, navigate to the dev directory.
3. Build the docker image locally.

docker build .

4. Run

docker image ls

to view the list of images on your system. The latest image should be the receipt wrangler monolith image. Copy the IMAGE ID to use later.
5. Run the following to start the container

docker run -d <IMAGE_ID>

6. The container has been configured to expose ssh from port 22, so you may connect to this container with VSCode, or any other IDE that supports remote development over SSH. The default credentials are:

default username
default password

7. To find the IP address of your container, run:

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container_id>

container_id can be found by running:

docker ps -a

Then you can use the obtained IP address to SSH into the container. To learn how to run the API and Desktop, continue reading.

Bare Metal




  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install tesseract dependencies. If you are running a debian derivative (recommended), run sudo sh, otherwise see for other installation details.
  3. Install OpenAPI generator v6 (I personally use the jar installation)
  4. Set up a db instance however you like. Sqlite is the easiest route to go. Otherwise, docker is recommended. Example mariadb docker command: docker run --name receipt-wrangler-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -e MYSQL_USER=wrangler -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=123456 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=wrangler -p 9001:3306 -d library/mariadb.
  5. Set your environment variables, see configuration documentation for more details. Alternatively, source one of the script files in /dev in the Receipt Wrangler project to set some default environment variables for you.
  6. In the terminal navigate to the root project directory
  7. Run go run .




  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the project
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run start