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Version: 6.x

Managing Dashboards

Dashboards are a way to see the data you care about, in a way that makes sense to you.

Managing Dashboards

Clicking the add blue add button, or the edit pencil will allow you to add or edit a dashboard.

managing dashboard

Dashboard Name

This will change the dashboard's name. There are no constraints on the dashboard name, other than it must be longer than 0 characters.


Widgets are the main way in which users can customize their dashboard. Widgets can be added, edited, and deleted.

Summary Widget

This widget summarizes how much you owe, and how much is owed to you in the group.

Filtered Receipts Widget

This widget lets users create a custom filter to see only the receipts they care about. Multiple filters can be added, and the filters can be edited or deleted.

The pictured filter for example shows all the receipts that have been resolved. The filter is a powerful and flexible way to see exactly what you want to see.

Activity Widget

This widget lets users see the activity in the group. Activity includes receipts being added (manually, or via email), updated, and quick scans.

If the user in the group has at least editor permissions, they may also rerun failed quick scans from this widget.